Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and we fully recognise our responsibility under section 157/175 of The Education Action 2002 and Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022. This means that we have a designated safeguarding team, as well as robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place.

The school has 4 Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) who have overall responsibility for child protection. Our DSLs are: Mrs Smith, Mrs Morganti, Mrs Hill and Mrs H-B. Our Governor for safeguarding is Mr S Maxfield.

Of you have a concern about the safety of a child, then please contact any of the school DSLs immediately. Likewise, if you feel that you are in need of support then please reach out to one of our DSLs. We can work with you to look at different aspects of your life and offer support where needed, whether it is through a warm drink and a listening ear, providing foodbank voucher or referring you and your family onto supportive services within Staffordshire.

M Smith

A Morganti

J Hill

Z Hasketh-Boston

At Etching Hill, we are committed to:-

  • Providing a safe environment for pupils to learn

  • Providing the means for emotional well-being and security

  • Having regard for preventing pupils being drawn into terrorism

  • Identifying children who are suffering, or who are likely to suffer significant harm

  • Having robust procedures in place and take appropriate action with the aim of making sure that pupils are kept safe both at home and in school.

    To achieve this objective, we:

  • Aim to prevent unsuitable people from working with the children through a stringent DBS process;

  • Promote safe practice and challenge any poor or unsafe practice

  • Identify instances where there are grounds for concern about a child's welfare and initiate or take appropriate action to keep them safe

  • Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved in providing services for our children

  • Ensure that staff understand the risk of radicalisation, have the capabilities to deal with it and implement the Prevent duty effectively